The aim of this commercial film series is to associate PC users (namely Windows users) with the "unpopular nerd" cliché, while representing Apple Mac users as young, creative, attractive, and lucky. The earlier commercials in the campaign involved a general comparison of the two computers, whereas the later ones mainly concerned Windows Vista and Windows 7. The two then act out a brief vignette, in which the capabilities and attributes of Mac and PC are compared, with PC-characterized as formal and somewhat polite, though uninteresting and overly concerned with work-often being frustrated by the more laid-back Mac's abilities. They open to a plain white background, and a man dressed in casual clothes introduces himself as an Apple Macintosh computer ("Hello, I'm a Mac."), while a man in a more formal suit-and-tie combination introduces himself as a Microsoft Windows personal computer ("And I'm a PC."). The Get a Mac advertisements follow a standard template. 10.2 Projectory "Japanese Camera" advertisement.


10.1 Differentiating between a Mac and a PC.