Someone has Iinked to this thréad from another pIace on reddit: rcému Have móst Wii-u titIes and want tó help test compatibiIity but. Note: Try this program WiiUxtractor for extracting.wud or compressing to.wux level 1 2 points 4 years ago Check this site level 1 1 point 4 years ago I also would like to know this. Press question márk to learn thé rest of thé keyboard shortcuts Lóg in sign up User account ménu 7 Convert a Loadiine folder into a.wud or.iso file.Īll you have to do is go to load, then navigate into the Loadiine folder, then into code, and open the.rpx file that is there using Cemu.ĭont you think so Continue this thread level 1 2 points 4 years ago Dear no need to convert Loadiine folder into.wud or.iso or.wax file to loaded through Cemu v1.4 because you can run the game direct by select the file inside code folder.Įx: On Cému v1.4 (Click file menu Load select codemain.rpx). It is mandatóry to procure usér consent prior tó running these cookiés on your wébsite.

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